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County Commission Minutes 03/14/01

A regular meeting of the County of Dukes County Commissioners was held on Wednesday, March 14, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. in Courtroom of the Courthouse, notice of such meeting having been posted as required by law.

Commissioners Present:  Leslie H. Leland, Chairman
                                E. B. Collins
                                Robert Sawyer
                                Roger Wey       
                                Leonard Jason, Jr.
                Absent: John Alley
                                Daniel Flynn
Also Present:  Carol Borer, County Manager      
                  Marsha Smolev, Executive Assistant
 Sheriff McCormack     
                  Sandra Lothrop, Associate Commissioner
                   David Kann, WWTF Director
                   Anson Krickl
                   Rob Culbert, Recreation Dept. Manager

Chairman Leland called the meeting to order at 7:41 p.m.  Commissioner Sawyer Moved to Approve the Minutes of February 14, 2001, with Amendments (asking that the tape be reviewed for more of Armand Tiberio’s statement about his commitment to island residents.)  The Minutes were Accepted with the Amendment.  Commissioner Collins Abstained due to absence.  Commissioner Collins Moved to Accept the Minutes of February 28, 2001.  Commissioner Sawyer Seconded the Motion.  The Minutes were Accepted with Commissioner Jason Abstaining due to absence.

The County Manager announced that Powers and Sullivan will be at the next meeting, March 28th to present the Audit.  Commissioner Collins asked that the Commissioners have a chance to review the Audit before the

Commissioner Sawyer gave an update on the Intermunicipal Agreement for Emergency Services.  The Subcommittee agreed that the first year, the $500.000 will be as written for emergency care, but then the second and third years will be for other healthcare.  

Commissioner Sawyer reported that the two non-binding questions about regionalization of schools will be on 5 town ballots. He added that the County did a good job of putting this issue before the electorate.

Robert Culbert, Director of the Water Testing Lab and Recreation Department Manager began his report with an update on the Water Testing Lab.  He reviewed his plans to restructure his hours now that Bill Elbow is hired as Lab Analyst.  Mr. Culbert’s goal is to keep up with the volume of samples in the summer and keep reports coming out in a timely way.  He explained that the Lab is provisionally certified and reviewed his plans to expand certification to meet state requirements for testing.  A goal is to be able to meet these requirements and test private wells too.  Commissioner Jason questioned the Lab’s ability to do the tests required for Sewerage Treatment Plants.  Mr. Culbert replied that the Lab will be able to do all required tests except those for volatile organics or lead. Discussion followed about the numbers of tests done. Revenues are down this year because the Lab was closed during the move to the new site.  Mr. Culbert asked the Commissioners for help in getting $15,000-$35,000 worth of new equipment.  He said he is looking to the Commissioners for help with grant writing and for suggestions of funding sources.  Mr. Culbert said that Tisbury Waterways, Inc. funded a new incubator and partially funded the counter for it.  A grant application to Farm Neck for testing water in low income housing was denied.  

Mr. Culbert also reported that the Wampanoag Tribe is planning to open a water-testing laboratory.  Mr. Culbert will meet with the Wampanoags to see if there can be some joint arrangement.  

Mr. Culbert distributed photographs of the storm damage on Joseph Sylvia Beach.  He reported that 15,000 cubic yards of beach were lost in the recent storm.  He believes the 3 groins that were built after a storm 4 years ago, haven’t really helped.  Mr. Culbert is preparing a report to forward to MEMA and Coastal Zone Management.  Mrs. Borer will be working with those agencies to arrange funding for nourishment and repair of the groins. Discussion continued about how sand moves in storms.  

Mrs. Borer mentioned that there will be a management plan to deal with changes in the beaches.  She reminded the Commissioners, when Commissioner Jason cautioned not to wait too long to deal with the beach, that the County manages Joseph Sylvia State Beach, but it’s owned by DEM. We get $30,000 in a renegotiable grant to monitor beach erosion.

Mr. Culbert reported that he expects the Norton Point Beach to breach this summer if there’s a major storm, but in fact, the Beach got 30 feet wider during this past storm.  The Commissioners thanked Robert Culbert for his reports and hard work.

Commissioner Collins Moved that the meeting adjourn.  Commissioner Wey Seconded the Motion.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35.

Complete text of meeting is available on tape at the County Commissioner’s office.
